Test & Isolation Plugs, our safe, effective solutions for rapid pressure testing and repairs!
Hydrostatic test pumps also available, ideal for use with entire range of pressure test plugs.
EST Group serves the power generation; petrochemical and refining; fine chemical and pharmaceutical; shipbuilding; oil and gas production; and engineering and construction industries worldwide.
EST Group can pride itself on the following realizations with GripTight®:
Saves over 80% in testing time compared to welded-on end cap procedures
No welding, no caps
Facilitate testing in accordance with ASME PCC-2 and ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes
Sizes from 3/8” up to 24” (DN 600) in stock and larger sizes available upon request
Test pressures can range up to 15000 PsiG (1034 BarG)
Used by the world’s leading companies throughout all major industries